When To Know Your Furnace May Need Service in the Fall
If your furnace is showing signs that it’s struggling to keep up in maintaining a comfortable temperature, it may be time to call a heating service expert. Many small issues can be spotted early before they grow into expensive service calls. Identifying potential issues early can help prevent breakdown, extend the lifespan of your heating system, and improve energy efficiency. Here are signs that indicate your furnace needs professional servicing.
Strange Noises
Unusual noises like banging, squeaking, or rattling are indications that something is wrong with the unit. A banging noise could be due to air circulation in the ducts as well as dust or debris build-up in the burners. A squeaking sound indicates that there is an issue with the blower motor, or there is a worn-out belt, and rattling sounds suggest loose components. Such issues, if left unaddressed, can strain the system and make its operation less effective. When you call a technician, they carry out a detailed check on the furnace, diagnose the cause of the noise, and correct it. It may involve fastening loose fittings, clearing blocked burners or bowls, or repairing the ductwork.
Yellow Furnace Flames
A furnace flame should burn bright blue. The blue flame indicates clean and complete combustion. A flame turning yellow signals a dirty burner or an issue with the gas not burning completely. This incomplete combustion reduces the furnace’s heating efficiency. It can also mean that carbon monoxide, a byproduct of combustion, isn’t venting properly. The yellow flame is caused by dirt or debris that accumulates on the burner or flame sensor and poses an interruption of the gas-to-air proportions. If not addressed, such issues could lead to declining performance and compromise safety. To resolve this issue, a technician can clean the burners, inspect the flame sensor, and check the gas supply and venting system.
Inconsistent Heating
Heating inconsistency might occur as a result of blocked air ducts, where dust and debris build up over time. This restricts airflow and prevents warm air from reaching every corner of your home. There may be a problem with the thermostat, which provides wrong readings.
When a furnace ages, it may barely circulate hot air around the home space due to a lack of proper maintenance. While occasional cold spots might result from external factors like poor insulation or drafty windows, persistent heating inconsistencies point to furnace-related problems. A professional heating service inspection can help uncover the root cause. Technicians may start by performing some duct cleaning or repairing to improve airflow, checking the thermostat for proper calibration, and examining the furnace components for wear and tear. They may also recommend adjustments or repairs to optimize the system’s efficiency.
Water Leaks
Water can be a natural byproduct of certain heating systems. The water is usually drained away through a condensate line. If the line clogs or is damaged, water backs up and leaks around your furnace. You may also see leaks if the furnace humidifier has a problem or if the heat exchanger has developed a crack. Any kind of water leakage during the colder months indicates the issue lies within the furnace itself and not from other connected systems like air conditioning.
To address this problem, you need to clean or repair the condensate line to confirm that water flows freely. If the issue is more complex, such as a malfunctioning internal component, a professional can help diagnose and resolve it.
Hire a Heating Service Company
Knowing when your furnace needs servicing in the fall can help you improve your system’s efficiency and avoid costly repairs. It also allows you to confirm that your home remains warm and safe throughout the colder months. If your furnace has any of the above problems, call a trustworthy furnace repair technician.